Tag Archives: eatless

Sustainability through smaller portion sizes

Here is an interesting discovery. Simply decreasing the average portion size of the fish fillet on your plate makes for more efficient aquaculture farms, a recent study shows. 

We all know we eat too much protein. Meat is good, but we only really need a piece about the size of a pack of playing cards on our plate. The same goes for fish. Well, this research found that by decreasing portion sizes, fish could be used more efficiently. Two meal-sized fillets could be taken from smaller fish, which are younger. Older fish eat more and convert feed less efficiently, so harvesting them at a younger age would save money, be more feed-efficient, be more environmentally-friendly and would be all-around more sustainable.

It’s an interesting discovery, which could be of some use to salmon farmers. However, salmon farmers already grow their fish to an average of about 5.5 kilograms, a relatively small fish by ocean standards. But maybe there’s some tinkering with production schedules that could be done here to make it even better, if we can convince people to eat a little less meat and a few more veggies at dinner!

What do you think?